Sophia Anne and Alexandria Marie
Twins Nursery
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Bella was just about to ring for the nurse and beg to use the bathroom when there was a knock on the door to her room followed by it swinging open to reveal Dr. Cooper pushing in an ultrasound machine.
“Thank God,” Bella said a little louder than I think she meant to.
“Is everything ok?” Dr. Cooper asked when he heard Bella’s remark. Bella promptly turned various different shades of red upon realizing she had been heard.
Trying not to laugh at my wife’s embarrassment, because she was damn cute when she was, I answered for her, “Yes.” I couldn’t stop the soft chuckle that escaped as I finished my answer. “I just think Bella is starting to feel a bit water logged and ready to explode.”
“Well then let’s get this done before she does,” he said to me with a slight smile on his face and then turned to look at Bella and said. “Now, I know you are probably pretty uncomfortable having a full bladder combined with the pressure from the baby. The test is easier to do while you have a full bladder, however if it becomes too hard for you to wait or it becomes painful let me know.”
“Ok,” Bella said and nodded.
“Last thing before we get started,” Dr. Cooper said,” is that I need to apply some gel on your stomach for the transducer to move across it easily. It is supposed to be warmed, but sometimes if it’s a new bottle it can be quite cold. So I wanted to warn you in case.”
Bella nodded once again and he squirted the gel on her. It must have been warm since she didn’t seem to react at all to it being on her. I glanced at Bella and saw her chewing nervously on her bottom lip. But I quickly turned my head in the direction of the machine’s monitor as soon as I heard the familiar thump of my and Bella’s baby’s heartbeat. We had heard it at each one of her previous doctor appointments and had become very attached to its sound and became more and more eager to hear it again at each of her visits.
The screen remained blank for a minute or two as the doctor moved the device back and forth over Bella’s abdomen. Suddenly there was what appeared to be what almost looked like a …..
Edward, me and both sets of our parents were leaving for Capri today to begin the final preparations for our wedding next Sunday the tenth. Alice, Jasper, Emmett, Rose and the rest of our guests would be arriving on the eighth.