A huge thank you to Rosalynn @ Banners for Causes for making me the amazing banner below.

~*Memories of Christmas Past*~
Summary: Bella and Edward dated in high school When a tragedy occurs she is forced to move away from Forks. Six years later another tragedy occurs, but this time it brings her back to Forks. What happens when she spends Christmas Eve with the Cullens and she comes face to face with Edward for the first time since she broke his heart six years earlier.
Teaser: I ran my hand through my hair at least a half dozen times as I tried to figure out what to say to her, what to ask her first. Then as if I had no control over my actions, “Why’d you do it?” shot out of my mouth as if someone had suddenly typed a text in my brain and pushed the send button.
I heard her gasp as she spun quickly to face me. She didn’t say anything. She just stood there staring at me almost as if she wasn’t sure I was really there. As I took the steps to bring myself to stand in front of her, her gaze shifted until she was staring at the floor. I remained silent for a few seconds as I watched her nervously pick at her fingernails. I caught myself wanting to smile at the nervous habit she had apparently not outgrown in the time she’d been away.
With my hand slightly shaking from my own nerves and the uncertainty of what she’d say, I reached out and placed it under her chin so that I could lift her gaze to mine.
“Why? If you have nothing else to say to me, can you at least please just tell me why? Why you gave up on us?” I begged her.