Sunday, November 13, 2011

Some distrubing news!!

Hi everyone,

It is not with good news I send this message out today. My-Bella, my amazing beta and good friend, informed me tonight that someone has stolen her stories. Life's Little Choices and it's sequel Our Little Man have been stolen and posted on the website Scribd. In addition she also has other authors stories as well.

If you have an account and are able to post a message or report this person, then please do so. Here is the link and her ID.

The Scribd ID is 552silly and the link is

Help us prevent her from stealing anyone else's work!!

Eternally Addicted


  1. I can not stand people who steal others hard work... I have sent an email to the copyright section of that site in complaint of 552Silly, so I hope for yours and the other authors whom have been used that they will act quickly and take this person down...
    here is the email link :

  2. I just got an email from Jason from scribd confirming that 552silly is no longer a user :)
