Monday, August 9, 2010


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog. I have exciting news. At least I think it is.

This Friday I will begin posting my new story. TRUTH, LIES, AND ALIBIS.

To help tide you over until then, here is a little teaser for you.


Pulling myself up from my spot in the sand, I was shocked to see the stranger standing just a few feet in front of me with his back facing my direction. He appeared to be tossing stones and small shells into the water. I had a hard time tearing my eyes away from him as I watched him bend over and pick up a few more stones to toss. Watching his muscles bend and stretch as his body flexed in movement was completely mesmerizing. Feeling the urge to flee before I was caught ogling him, I quickly brushed the sand from my backside and started to walk towards the house.

I had barely taken two or three steps when I heard an enchanting voice call out to me, “It’s a beautiful night isn’t it?”

Thinking that surely the words must have been meant for someone who was joining him I started to walk again, but was stopped dead in my tracks when he spoke again, “The moon is never this bright where I come from.”

I stopped and turned where I was standing to make sure there was no mistake he was talking to me. I could feel my pulse quicken as he took short strides until he was just an arm’s length away from me. Something was off and it took me a few seconds to pinpoint what it was. There was nothing coming from him. No hint of any emotion at all. In all the years since I had discovered my gift, never had there been anyone I couldn’t get a read on. This frightened and thrilled me all at the same time. I focused and tried to concentrate a bit harder without becoming obvious, but still nothing. Holy shit how was I to know if it was safe to even be standing here so close to him? What if he was trouble? I couldn’t stop all the thoughts that were suddenly bombarding my head.

Hope to see you Friday!!

1 comment:

  1. You are evil and you must be destroyed! You know I can't wait and you keep putting the teasers out there.

    Seriously, it sounds amazing and I love what I have read so far! You know I'm a big fan and will certainly be here first thing Friday to read it :)
