Finally certain that I had everything, I put my watch on and shoved my wallet into my back pocket. Gabbing my cellphone and keys along with my bag I headed downstairs. Nearing the bottom of the stairs, I stopped dead in my tracks.
Bella was bent over digging in the side pocket of her bag. Her perfect ass was right there staring me in the face. If that weren’t enough, she had shorts on exposing her legs as well. Even though the shorts she was wearing today weren’t anywhere near as short as the ones she had worn previously, the sight of her brought back images from her little car washing stunt, causing the front of my pants to tighten considerably.
Cool your jets, Cullen, I scolded myself internally as I gathered my wits and stepped off the last stair walking over to set my bag next to hers. But my relief was short lived. Bella stood up straight, flipping her hair back and out of her face, taking my breath away. It was such a simple thing for her to do, but she was sexy as hell as she did it. The way she moved, the quick fluid motion she used as her head snapped back, causing her hair to fall perfectly down her back and around her shoulders, reminded me of those sexy shampoo commercials you see on TV. Only Bella’s beauty far surpassed the looks of any of those women. And what made her so completely alluring was she didn’t even realize just how beautiful and sexy she was.
Bella was wearing a chocolate brown sleeveless top that tied at her shoulders and was gathered at her waist showing off not only how tiny she was but the curves of her hips too. The color magnified the brown in her eyes making them appear as molten pools of chocolate. All of that combined with the exposed creamy smooth skin of her shoulders and slender legs was going to drive me crazy the entire ride to Forks.
She smiled brightly at me as she popped a piece of gum in her mouth and asked, “You ready to go?”
“I’m ready when you are.”
“Okay, then let’s get this show on the road,” she urged.
I picked up both our bags and flung the straps over my shoulder as Bella grabbed her purse and sunglasses from the table by the door. I opened the door for her and she stepped out while I quickly pressed the alarm code into the keypad. I then shut the door making sure it was locked. Reaching the car, I opened the passenger side door for her and shut it, then made my way to the back of the car and put our bags in the trunk. Once I was seated next to her in my car, I started the engine and pulled my sunglasses from the visor overhead. Shifting the car into reverse, I backed out of the driveway to send us on our way.