Welcome to my little corner of the world. You will find everything from the links, images and banners to my fics as well as the links to some other great sites as well. Thanks for stopping by.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Big OOPS!!
Well I am writing this while being just a little embarrassed. I somehow messed up the settings between my Polyvore and blog settings and it made it where every time I did something in my Polyvore account it posted it automatically on my blog and sent out an email.
The bad news is, well you guys got some crazy posts that I never intended for you to. LOL And the good news is that I have fixed it and that because of my "oops" some of you got a sneak peak at some pictures early and have a clue about the up coming Memories of Christmas Past epilogue.
Anyways, sorry if all the crazy posts was annoying. It is taken care of now. I hope you are having a great weekend, check back on Monday when I will have a teaser for the next chapter of Memories of Christmas Past.
Thanks for reading!!!
eternally addicted
Friday, January 13, 2012
Memories of Christmas Past Wedding Details
Sunday, January 8, 2012
Memories of Christmas Past, chapter 7 teaser
Chapter 7 will post on Friday. Until then here is a teaser for you to enjoy!
“Dinner was fantastic, Bella,” Renee said as she placed her napkin on the table and took a sip of her wine.
“I second that,” Phil added.
So far things had gone pretty well. It was clear we were all a bit apprehensive, but I really didn’t see any way around it. It was just one of those things that were going to require time to move past. My mother had seemed truly happy to be here, impressed with our house and excited about the wedding when we talked about it while showing them around the house after they had first arrived.
“Thank you,” I replied.
“Phil, why don’t I show you the deck and the view we have over into Canada?” Edward suggested, effectively ending the awkward silence that seemed to have overcome us all now that dinner was over. He knew that my mother and I needed some time alone to talk and by offering to show Phil around outside, it gave us the opportunity.
“Sure,” Phil replied.
The two men got up and walked over to the door leading outside. I stood to start clearing the table of the dishes and looked up just in time to see Edward wink at me and mouth to me that he loved me on his way out the door. It was his way of letting me know that he would be right outside if I needed him.
Friday, January 6, 2012
Memories of Christmas Past
Memories of Christmas Past
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Memories of Christmas Past, chapter 6 teaser

Bella walked over to Jasper after we greeted my parents. She poked him in the chest and said, “You see that overgrown gorilla over there?” She removed her finger from his chest and pointed it at Emmett.
“Yes ma’am,” he replied.
“While completely cute and loveable—”
“That’s me,” my brother interjected proudly.
Bella shook her head and rolled her eyes at him and then continued, “He is trouble with a capital ‘T’. You are Edward’s best man correct?”
Jasper nodded not quite sure what my lovely fiancée was getting at, but certain he was probably much better off to agree with her than not to.
“That means you are responsible for him. To make sure he doesn’t get in any kind of trouble tonight because of that one over there.” She pointed at Emmett again while the rest of us struggled to keep from laughing at the surprised look on my brother’s face. Bella then looked back at Jasper and continued. “That also means I am holding you responsible for making sure Edward comes back to me with not a hair on his head injured. I’m putting my trust in you as his best friend and as his best man. I am holding you personally responsible for him tonight. Think you can handle that?”
See you on Friday when we will find out if Jasper was able to keep Edward out of trouble. Until then Happy New Year!!