Bella walked over to Jasper after we greeted my parents. She poked him in the chest and said, “You see that overgrown gorilla over there?” She removed her finger from his chest and pointed it at Emmett.
“Yes ma’am,” he replied.
“While completely cute and loveable—”
“That’s me,” my brother interjected proudly.
Bella shook her head and rolled her eyes at him and then continued, “He is trouble with a capital ‘T’. You are Edward’s best man correct?”
Jasper nodded not quite sure what my lovely fiancée was getting at, but certain he was probably much better off to agree with her than not to.
“That means you are responsible for him. To make sure he doesn’t get in any kind of trouble tonight because of that one over there.” She pointed at Emmett again while the rest of us struggled to keep from laughing at the surprised look on my brother’s face. Bella then looked back at Jasper and continued. “That also means I am holding you responsible for making sure Edward comes back to me with not a hair on his head injured. I’m putting my trust in you as his best friend and as his best man. I am holding you personally responsible for him tonight. Think you can handle that?”
See you on Friday when we will find out if Jasper was able to keep Edward out of trouble. Until then Happy New Year!!
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