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Hi everyone,
I know it’s been a while since the last update, but the wait will soon come to an end. I hope you all had an awesome Christmas if you celebrated it. I know I had a great time with my family. So even though it’s a little late, here is a little gift from me in the form of a teaser form the next chapter of TLA.
The next chapter will post on Friday morning and thenwe will then get back to our regular routine.
I can’t begin to tell you how much your support and love of this story means to me and how much I appreciate your patience while I took this short break.
~Eternally Addicted~
Here’s your teaser.
“What are you up to, Cullen?”
“Just wanna help my girl relax before she goes to bed. I know this has been hard for you and I want to take care of you. Is that so bad?” he asked as he took my hand and pulled me up off the bed and held me tightly against him.
“Mmm, nothing wrong with it at all,” I said as I reached up and placed a soft kiss where his jaw and neck met. “I just have one request though.”
“And what would that be, Sweetness?”
“That you join me.”
“I think I can arrange that,” he said lowering his face and covering my lips with his. Without breaking the kiss, he picked me up and carried me to the bathroom.
Setting me back down on my feet, we began to undress each other, taking our time and savoring every moment as we kissed and touched until we were both bare. Edward had dimmed the light in the room, giving it a soft glow similar to that of candle light.
“No candles?” I teased, leaning my head back, allowing him better access to the spot on my neck where he was currently placing languid open mouthed kisses.
“Nope. Remember you are the only woman who has ever been here. So I am totally unprepared for setting up romantic moments. But you can be sure I will rectify that as soon as I can because I plan to have plenty of them here with you.”
“You’re gonna spoil me, Edward.”
“That’s the plan, Sweetness. Now let’s get you in the water before it gets cold.”
“What the hell, Edward? What do you mean pack a suitcase?”
He finally stepped aside so I could see into my room. I gasped and felt my heart jump into my throat as I took in the sight. There sitting in the middle of my bed was a box of apples with a note sitting on top of them.
I felt as though an elephant was sitting on my chest. I could hardly breathe. “No, no, no, not here. How…I don’t—”
I was in fear of collapsing into a heap on the floor until I felt Edward’s strong arms encircling me and holding me up. He picked me up and carried me downstairs to the couch.
This was too much. First Nana’s, and now here in my own home, the one place I had come to feel the safest in. I looked into Edward’s emerald green eyes searching for some sort of reassurance, but instead of finding the warmth, love and security that was usually present there, all I saw was worry and anger and concern.
“How, Edward? How did someone get in here and get past your fancy alarm system?” I begged him for answers.
Brushing my hair back from my face, he kissed my forehead and held me close to his chest. I knew he was trying to calm me down and sooth my fears, but that was going to be a difficult task right now. This bastard, whoever he was, had been in my house, my sanctuary. How much longer would I have to endure this?
“Hey,” Edward said kissing the top of my head and rubbing his hand softly along my back. “I know this is hard to take. I can only imagine how violated you must fee. Right now I can’t tell you exactly how they got past the alarm. I have a few ideas, but until I check things out more thoroughly, I won’t know for sure.”
He stopped and lifted my chin, forcing me to look at him instead of letting me keep my face buried against his chest.
“One thing I can promise you, Sweetness, I will protect you no matter what. Never doubt that. I will make sure you are safe at any cost. I know this is your home and you should be able to feel safe and secure here, but the most important thing is that you are safe. Everything else is just that, things, they are replaceable, but you…you are not and I will be damned before I let any harm come to even a hair on that beautiful head of yours.”
Edward then wrapped his arms even tighter around me and stroked my hair for a few minutes before he pulled back and said he was going to call Emmett so that he could get forensics over here to help them comb the place for evidence.
I nodded and then as he scooted me off his lap onto the couch beside him, I grabbed his hand to get his attention.
“I want to help. If I sit here with nothing to do I am going to go stir crazy. I have to at least be able to observe and help with searching my own home.”
“I actually think that would be a good idea,” he said taking me by surprise. “You know this house better than anyone so you will be able to tell more so than anyone if something seems out place or missing. Let me get Emmett over here and we’ll go from there. OK?”
I was standing at the mirror, checking my hair to make sure I hadn’t missed any spots when curling it for the wedding. I had worn my hair up for the rehearsal yesterday, and Edward had asked me to leave it down tonight. He had said that while having my bare neck exposed to him all night was rather enjoyable, he had missed being able to reach over and play with a loose strand whenever he wanted. So in order to fulfill his request, I had spent the better part of the last two hours, wrapping my thick mane around a curling iron, making sure not one piece was left straight.
I jumped slightly when I was startled by the vision of a Greek God wearing a tux, was standing behind me. Suddenly feeling his hands resting on my hips, and his body pressed against mine, caused goose bumps to cover my skin. I couldn’t take my eyes off of him as I looked at his reflection in the mirror. Edward was sexy, like make your heart stop beating sexy.
Moving my hair out of the way, he began placing several small kisses from the edge of my bare shoulder all along my neck, to the sensitive spot just behind my ear.
After nibbling on what has become his favorite spot long enough to leave me panting and weak in the knees, Edward brushed his lips against my ear and whispered in a low husky tone that gave me chills, “Sweetness, you're going to drive me insane in this dress all night.”
Gathering my hair and lifting it out of his way, he then proceeded to move across the back of my neck, kissing his way to the other side and nibbling behind that ear as well, not caring, maybe even enjoying the fact that I was about to collapse into a puddle of molten goo on the floor.
Somehow, I found the strength to turn around and face him. “Does that mean you like what you see?” I teased, while running my hands underneath his tux jacket until they were wrapped around him and tucked into the waist of his pants. Yes two can play this game, Mr. Sex on legs Cullen.
“Like? Sweetness, like in no way begins to describe how fucking hot you look in this dress and how much I love seeing you in it.”
“Hmm, well if I do say so myself, you look pretty damn hot in this tux.”
Edward leaned down and kissed me passionately. It may have only been a couple of weeks since we’d been together again intimately, but our bodies responded to each other as if it had been years. We reacted to one another with an amazing ability to be able to anticipate exactly what the other was feeling and what they wanted. And right now even if that unspoken connection between us didn’t exist, I could feel his body’s reaction to our impromptu make out session. It left no room for error about what he wanted.
We kissed until we had to break for air. Still slightly panting and trying to catch his breath, Edward rested his forehead against mine and murmured, “But, Sweetness, the real question is…am I the hottest man you’ve ever seen?”
I tried to occupy myself and not think about the fact that Bella was upstairs in my bathroom naked and wet. Sleeping next to her every night and feeling her body pressed up against mine, was bliss and torture all at the same time. I loved being there with her, having her in my arms all night long, but I was also yearning to touch her and make love to her again. My head and my heart knew it was still too soon, that she wasn’t ready to jump back into a physical relationship yet. And while I knew that I had to take things at her pace, my body was screaming just the opposite.
It had been nearly a week now that we’d been sleeping together in her bedroom. After the first few days of me going back and forth between the two rooms to get what I needed, Bella said there was no way she was sleeping without me again so I should just move all of my stuff into her room. I tried to not make a big deal about it but in the end I had to know if it was because she wanted me there for me or because of the bad dreams she’d been having, since it was the dreams that instigated my being there in the first place. Once we talked about it she assured me that while it may have started out because of the dreams, she loved having me in bed next to her and wanted me there because she loved me and didn’t want to be away from me. Bella also told me that she’d only had one nightmare since we’d been out to the prison and it wasn’t as intense as the others.
I made sure the loft was locked up, the alarm was set and then grabbed her bag, taking it upstairs to my room with me. I snickered to myself when it dawned on me that she’d been so excited to get in the tub, she’d forgotten to take her bag with her, meaning she wouldn’t have anything to wear with her in the bathroom.
I got undressed and slipped into a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt. Lounging across my bed I turned on the TV and caught up on all the local news, while I waited for Bella to be finished with her bath. I was only slightly disappointed when she emerged from the bathroom, wearing one of my button down shirts. And I say only slightly because even though I had hoped she’d be in nothing more than a towel, she was damn sexy wearing my clothes.
“Um… I hope you don’t mind. It seems in my haste to try out your tub, I forgot my bag downstairs.” She had a hint of pink on her cheeks as she pulled her bottom lip in between her teeth while she leaned against the door way, waiting for my reply.