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Monday, January 31, 2011
Truths, Lies and Alibis, chapter 24 FBIward and Polyvore
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Hi, I hope this finds all of you well and happy. I just wanted to let you know about the Valentine's Day one shot countdown I am participating in. It begins this Tuesday February first. There will be two one shots posted a day until February fourteenth, Valentine's Day.
Also on Valentine's Day a collaboration short story that has been written by all of us taking part in the countdown will be posted. The collaboration fic is titled, The Misplaced Love Letter
My one shot is titled, My Forever Valentine. I hope you come check out my one shot as well as all the others. I am sure they will all be awesome.
Here is the link to the countdown and the banner for the collaboration can be seen above. Drop by and let us know what you think. I am sure there will be lots of reading enjoyment to be had.
Truths, Lies and Alibis, chapter 24 teaser
To say I had been shocked last night when it was Bella’s father who came after me when I had stormed out of the conference room would be a massive understatement. When I’d heard the footsteps coming behind me, I ignored them figuring it was Emmett coming to try and defend his boss’s actions. But as I’d stood hunched over Bella’s desk staring at the picture of us, begging God for some fucking clue as to where she was, it was Charlie’s voice that spoke when the door opened.
Running a towel through my wet hair, I sat perched on the edge of my childhood bed as Charlie’s words came back to me.
“You need to go home and get some sleep so that you are ready and in the right frame of mind when the time comes to go get her.”
“How?” I asked him, fighting the lump in my throat.
“How what?” he returned.
“How do I go home when she’s not there?”
“Let me let you in on a little secret, son,” he told me at the same time his hand clapped me on my back and planted firmly in place.
“If I for one fraction of a second didn’t believe that they were doing everything within their power to bring her home safely, I would not be sitting back and waiting for answers. As a police officer I am well aware of the fact that sometimes these types of situations don’t unfold nearly as fast as we’d like them to. And it’s excruciatingly harder when it’s your loved one out there missing. I’ve seen it countless times and I would love nothing more than to go find her right now.”
I had responded with a simple nod, agreeing with what he was saying, while waiting for him to continue.
“You aren’t going to be any good when the time comes to go get her if you aren’t able to focus and be ready physically. And you won’t get either of those things if you don’t get some sleep and something to eat. If going home is too hard right now, then surely you must have a friend’s house, maybe your parent’s to go to or even a hotel room nearby. You won’t do either of you any good if you go on like this. There is nothing to be done until we get satellite access and locate her. So use the time between now and then wisely. Use it to be as best prepared as you can for when that time comes.”
“You’re right,” had been my response to him.
“I know, in my line of work, it’s my job to be right. Now I am going to go practice what I preach and see if Renee and Carmen have found us a hotel room.”
Monday, January 24, 2011
Truths, Lies and Alibis, chapter 23 picture teaser
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Truths, Lies and Alibis, chapter 23 teaser
All the images and words from my morning with Edward came rushing back to me. I remembered our love making and conversation after. Running my hand over his tattoo as we made love and him asking me to move in with him permanently, had made it a wonderful, blissful morning. Edward wasn’t the only one who had begun to think about our future and what would happen after this case was settled. I had too, and even though I hadn’t said it at the time, I was thrilled that he was too. I suddenly wished I had told him so that he knew just how badly I wanted that too. Because now to even think for one second that it might never happen was painful beyond anything I’d ever experienced. The thought of never seeing Edward again hurt much worse than what I’d been through with Garrett. The only other time in my life I’d experienced a pain that would come close to never seeing Edward again was when my grandfather had passed away. No. I refused to believe that we had met only to be taken away from each other now. I wouldn’t give up. There was a way out of this and I was determined to find it. I just had to stay strong and hold on knowing that he was doing everything he could to find me.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Truths, Lies and Alibis, Chapter 22 teaser
I tensed briefly when I felt a huge hand clamp down on my shoulder, giving it a firm squeeze. I glanced to the side and saw that it was Emmett.
“Come on, man. Forensics is here to comb this place over and we’ve got to get our plan together to find Bella. I need you with a clear head. Can you do that?”
I nodded and then shook my head a few times, trying to clear the rage induced haze of red I was looking though every time I opened my eyes to see the shattered mirror and smeared words in front of me. Taking in a deep breath I turned to follow Emmett back upstairs, willing myself to calm down and focus so I could get Bella back. And come hell or high water, if it was the last fucking thing I ever did, no matter what I had to do to make it happen, I would get her back. Jacob Black would be lucky if he lived long enough to take another breath once I got my hands on his mangy ass. He would regret ever entertaining the notion of taking my Sweetness from me.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Truths, Lies and Alibis, chapter 20 teaser
Edward and I were eager to get to the bureau after receiving a call from Emmett saying he had some news for us and that we should come straight to his office. I had a hard time remaining patient as we rode the elevator up to the thirty-fifth floor. In my nervous state, I found myself tapping my foot restlessly on the floor. My mood wasn’t aided by the fact it seemed that everyone and their brother was getting on and off the elevator today, slowing down its ascent to the floor we needed.
By the time the door pinged signaling we had reached our floor, I was ready to sprint out of the small space. However my excitement was quickly abated when we were met with the hulking figure of Jacob Black as soon as we entered the series of offices where I worked.
I’d had it in the back of my mind that he’d be returning from his suspension soon, but it had been forgotten in the chaos that had occurred since Edward and I had returned from Vancouver.
We avoided any type of confrontation with him since he had his back to us as we made our way towards my office to drop my things off before heading to see Emmett. Our luck was short lived though as we made our way back to the front and saw Jake staring right at Edward and I.
“Well look who it is. You don’t look so well this morning, Agent Swan. The big bad wolf still giving you a hard time?” Jake chided as Edward and I walked by.
Edward stopped and took a few steps in Jake’s direction causing Jake to back up an equal distance. However, his retreat was hampered when he backed into the copy machine. I couldn’t help but think he must remember what it’s like to have Edward’s fist in his face and if he wasn’t careful he was going to have it there again. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Tyler stand as if he were ready to jump in if the situation got out of hand.
“Did you not learn anything last time? Are you that stupid that your first day back you are going to start harassing her again?” Edward spat at Jake while clinching his fists at his sides in an effort to remain cool.
“Oh, please. Get a grip on your overdramatic self, loverboy. I’m just making an observation. She looks like she hasn’t slept for a week. Aww, what’s the matter? Is life not the fairytale romance you wanted it to be?” he returned with a smug tone in his voice.
Edward took another step closer to Jake and looked him straight in the eye. “This is Bella’s life you are talking about. Not some fucking fairytale. And I think you’d be wise to remember that in the future, along with keeping your mouth shut unless you’d like me to shut it for you again.”
“Are you threatening me?” Jake asked incredulously.
“No. I’m promising you,” Edward growled.